Friday, November 21, 2008

In this project my group and i basically learned how to make our own band and how to promote it. We also learned how difficult the experience of owning a band is because you have to have a tour guide and know where your going to be going because that's a very difficult thing to deal with. Also we learned how to apply marketing to our project we learned many different things about making a band. I over all kinda liked the porject but at times it was hard like the tour was to much work i think and we really didnt need all that information. We learned how to market a band and learned how to be able to run one.


Trent F. said...

It seems like you learned alot from this hard project, But how did you use your marketing functions?

s34n said...

Nice overview, you explained pretty much everything but I would have liked to have seen some more of how you applied the marketing functions.

Jose R. said...

dude its pretty good man! ii like it! pretty nice name oh and nice detail