Friday, December 12, 2008

Prohibited sponsorship, is when they limit something being sponsored or cancel itfrom being sponsored permantly. For instance tobacco sponsorship is prohibited for concerts, or for which per brand each year.

Friday, November 21, 2008

In this project my group and i basically learned how to make our own band and how to promote it. We also learned how difficult the experience of owning a band is because you have to have a tour guide and know where your going to be going because that's a very difficult thing to deal with. Also we learned how to apply marketing to our project we learned many different things about making a band. I over all kinda liked the porject but at times it was hard like the tour was to much work i think and we really didnt need all that information. We learned how to market a band and learned how to be able to run one.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lone Stampede

Well our porject is going great. Today we finished our biography and stated who our promoter was. Since we did a country band the Lone Stampede was the best choice for our band name so that we could have a good country name. We even have a tour named the road awaits, and our first album named the dusty road. Also we took a band picture with our three members in our band me Destin, Willie, and Karla. Willie and I both play the guitars in our band Willie play's the bass guitar and i just play a regular guitar also Karla is the lead singer in our group.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Marketing Research

In class we have been learning about marketing research. First we learned about planning selling distribution and focus groups. Planning is like how you are planning to sell your products and which method you are gonna use. Distribution is how you get it from one place to another to be sold. Selling is how ever you sell your product and for how much you are gonna sell it. Focus groups are kinda like a survey where they set up a number of products and allow people to try them and find out which one they like the best.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hurricane IKE

This past week and a half has been crazy. We were hit with hurricane IKE pretty badly considering we got the worst part of the storm. It hit us with up to 100 mph winds that easily tore down tree and made lots of destruction in the community. My family in particular prepared for the hurricane by buying lots of water we bought four 24 packs of ozarka also we started making ice and bagging like a week prior to the hurricane to keep our food cold. We also bought lots of food that dont go bad real quick so that we would be able to eat them throughout the hurrican for example like grain chips, and health bars and stuff thats good like that. Also we bought lots of batteries and a battery powered tv and many flashlights. We werent to worried about boarding up all of our windows because our insurance would cover what ever was broken but we did board up a few big ones and tape the smaller ones so that they didnt shatter all over the place. As the hurricane was coming we just pretty much waited for it, it didnt hit until really late at night. Our power went out about 5:30 that night of the hurricane so we had power until the next day pretty much. The next day we drove around and saw all the damage that happened to people many people lost trees and some even fell on peoples houses. At my house we lost lots of branches and tree limbs in the front yard and our flag pole. That was all we lost in the front and in the back yard we lost our privacy screen around our spa, it was suprising we didnt loose our sliding glass door to our pool house. We didnt have power for very long we got it back sunday i think to be exact and other then that this hurricane wasnt to bad for us, some people still dont have power. Another thing that was hard to get was gas i remember the libnes being long.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

People in my class

Today we read every ones blogs and we learned stuff about them. I learned that Isamar likes social studies and that is a good quality. I also learned that not many people in our class like country which is not to good because i love country music. I learn that Trent's favorite food is steak and mashed potatoes and corn. I also learned that Karla is very smart and wont even settle for less then a 85 and that is a very very good quality because she is very smart and i would like to have her on my team. Jose watches BET and Dwayne also doesn't like country. Also Danielle doesn't like country which sucks because shes real pretty and i would have liked to have her in my group. Also i learn Clarence cant spell because he misspelled alot on his post. Also Stephanie likes to write about anything. Sean likes rock when he working out cause it gets him pumped.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

About me

Well my favorite food is hot wings. My favorite kind of music is COUNTRY but i do listen to rap and hiphop also my favorite tv show is LOST but the season is over right now. I like to play sports in and out of school if im not playing football at school im playing basketball out side of school. My favorite subject in school is US History I like it because you get to learn so much about stuff in the past and it helps America learn from our mistakes. This is a subject I excel in because I get really good grades in it. My strengths in school are math and social studies and my weaknesses science. I dont really study for tests I usually try to cram it in before because i dont really have much time to study at my house because of football practice. I dont really know what really do in this class yet but it seems pretty interesting so I would just like to learn what ever. I think we should both just pick the parts we like or make a compromise so that every one in the group is happy. I would make a good team member because I would make sure we were done on time and had everything needed for the project or what ever our group would be doing.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Project 4p's

In this project we learned how to connect the 4 p's into a product. Me and my groups members made up a drink called Big Willie? and we had to make up everything about it like where it would be sold and other stuff like that. For example we even picked places where we would sell our product.
Today we learned about wahoo fish market and their marketing skills and how much they value their customers. I think this is a key skill in marketing because it allows them to connect with the customers and allow their business to succeed.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well today is my third day of school and we have to make a blog about ourself and words that describe us. Like our favorite color, our favorite car and a place that describes our personality. Mine would be, a red f150 with 4x4 for offroading and mudding because I really like to do those sort of things. Also the place that i would be heading to would probally be some where up north where i can have a ranch with many farm animals and not have alot of pollution.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Starting my Blog...

Well today in school we had to make a blog for the first time and overall it was fairly easy. The only thing that was difficult was just coming up with a name for the blog and for the title but then it became much easier.