Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Well my favorite food is hot wings. My favorite kind of music is COUNTRY but i do listen to rap and hiphop also my favorite tv show is LOST but the season is over right now. I like to play sports in and out of school if im not playing football at school im playing basketball out side of school. My favorite subject in school is US History I like it because you get to learn so much about stuff in the past and it helps America learn from our mistakes. This is a subject I excel in because I get really good grades in it. My strengths in school are math and social studies and my weaknesses science. I dont really study for tests I usually try to cram it in before because i dont really have much time to study at my house because of football practice. I dont really know what really do in this class yet but it seems pretty interesting so I would just like to learn what ever. I think we should both just pick the parts we like or make a compromise so that every one in the group is happy. I would make a good team member because I would make sure we were done on time and had everything needed for the project or what ever our group would be doing.