Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hurricane IKE

This past week and a half has been crazy. We were hit with hurricane IKE pretty badly considering we got the worst part of the storm. It hit us with up to 100 mph winds that easily tore down tree and made lots of destruction in the community. My family in particular prepared for the hurricane by buying lots of water we bought four 24 packs of ozarka also we started making ice and bagging like a week prior to the hurricane to keep our food cold. We also bought lots of food that dont go bad real quick so that we would be able to eat them throughout the hurrican for example like grain chips, and health bars and stuff thats good like that. Also we bought lots of batteries and a battery powered tv and many flashlights. We werent to worried about boarding up all of our windows because our insurance would cover what ever was broken but we did board up a few big ones and tape the smaller ones so that they didnt shatter all over the place. As the hurricane was coming we just pretty much waited for it, it didnt hit until really late at night. Our power went out about 5:30 that night of the hurricane so we had power until the next day pretty much. The next day we drove around and saw all the damage that happened to people many people lost trees and some even fell on peoples houses. At my house we lost lots of branches and tree limbs in the front yard and our flag pole. That was all we lost in the front and in the back yard we lost our privacy screen around our spa, it was suprising we didnt loose our sliding glass door to our pool house. We didnt have power for very long we got it back sunday i think to be exact and other then that this hurricane wasnt to bad for us, some people still dont have power. Another thing that was hard to get was gas i remember the libnes being long.

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